Filigree Text:
Unofficial Compendium on Magic: the Gathering Offcial Flavor Resources
Compiled by Barrin "Brokenstaff" Alo
As of April, 2018
《丝金录》是非官方的万智牌背景故事资源目录(包括小说、漫画、短篇故事和世界设定),方便万智背景故事爱好者检索查阅,计划于每月7日更新。 点击文章中文题目可直接跳转译文。
Filigree Text is a Vorthos-oriented unofficial catalogue of Magic: the Gathering official flavor resources (including novels, comics, short stories and world-setting materials), updated on a monthly basis, ususally on the 7th of each month.
The catalogue is organzied in this way:
故事所在时空 - 资源类型+出版时间+序号 - 英文名 - 中文名(若无译文则不注明中文名)
Plane - Type of Resource+Time of Publishing+Sequence Number - English Title - Chinese Title
The blue-color part is the Filigree Text Number (FTN)
如:发生在多明纳里亚时空的《兄弟之战》系1998年出版的第一本小说,编号为 D-N1998.1- The Brothers' War - 兄弟之战,丝金码为 D-N1998.1 。
The Brother's War,
the first novel published in 1998 on Urzar-Mishra war in the plane of Dominaria is catalogued
as D-N1998.1 - T
he Brother's War - 兄弟之战,with D-N1998.1 as FTN.
而短篇故事《Liliana’s Origin: the Fourth Pact》是官网" 未知领域"栏目2015年发布的第19个短篇,故事发生在 多明纳里亚时空和依尼翠时空, 编号为 DI-UR2015.19 - Liliana’s Origin: the Fourth Pact - 莉莲娜的起源:第四契约 , 丝金码为 DI-UR2015.19 。
While the short story
Liliana’s Origin: the Fourth Pact,
the 19th short story published on WotC's website under the column of Uncharted Realms, depicting a story happened in the plane of Dominaria and Innsitrad is cataloued as DI-UR2015.19 -
Liliana’s Origin: the Fourth Pact - 莉莲娜的起源:第四契约, with
as FTN.
The code for planes are:
A Alara - 阿拉若
Ak Amonket - 阿芒凯
B Bablovia - 芭洛维亚
C Cirdhe
D Dominaria - 多明纳里亚
F Fiona - 翡欧拉
I Innistrad - 依尼翠
Ix Ixalan - 依夏兰
K Kamigawa 神河
Kl Kaladesh - 卡拉德许
Kp Kephalia - 凯斐莱
L Lorwyn - 洛温
M Mirrodin - 秘罗地
Rg Regatha - 瑞格沙
Rv Ravnica - 拉尼卡
S Shandalar - 山德拉
Th Theros - 塞洛斯
Tk Tarkir - 鞑契
U Ulgrotha - 乌格萨
V Vryn - 维林
Z Zendikar - 赞迪卡
The codes for resources are:
A 官方设定集
C 漫画
Ca Acclaim出版漫画
Cd Darkhorse出版漫画
Cm Duelist, Topdeck等杂志上刊载的漫画
Ci IDW出版漫画
FA 官网Feature(特稿)栏目
N 小说
Na 短篇小说集
Ne 电子版小说(非实体小说)
P 其他出版物(在万智牌杂志,其他出版物上刊载的短篇小说)
Pf 万智牌肥包画册中内容
PS 官网Plane Shift桌面游戏设定集
SF 官网Savor the Flavor栏目
T 官方Duelists杂志(1994年-1999年出版)
W 官网小说(未知领域栏目开设前发布的官网文章,包括Savor the Flavor等)
UR 官网未知领域栏目
MS 官网万智故事栏目
A The Art of Magic the Gathering
C Comics
Ca Acclaim Comics
Cd Darkhorse Comics
Cm Comics on Magazines such as Duelist, Topdeck
Ci IDW Comics
FA Feature articles on WotC website
N Novels
Na Novels anthology
Ne Eletronic novels
P Other publications (stories on other publications such as magazines)
Pf Game guides in Fatpack
PS Plane Shift(DND Campaign Setting-like book)
SF Savor the Flavor column articles on WotC website
T Articles from Duelists
W Web-based stories other than Uncharted Realms and Magic Story (Savor the Flavors,etc)
UR Uncharted Realms stories
MS Magic Story
Novels and Stories
G-P1994 - Roreca's Tale - 洛瑞卡的故事
D-N1994 - Arena
X-D1994.2 - The Lure of the Dark
X-Da1994.2 - Mezlok's Challenge
D-Ca1995.1 - The Shadow Mage
D-Ca1995.2 - Ice Age
G-Ca1995.3 - Nightmare
D-Ca1995.4 - Fallen Empires
D-Ca1995.5 - Wayfarer
D-Ca1995.6 - Antiquities War
R-Ca1995.7 - Arabian Nights
D-N1995.1 - Whispering Woods
D-N1995.2 - Shattered Chains
D-N1995.3 - Final Sacrifice
C-N1995.4 - The Cursed Land
D-N1995.5 - The Prodigal Sorcerer
U-Ca1996.1- Homelands
G-Ca1996.2 - Serra Angel
D-Ca1996.3 - Legend of Jedit Ojanen
S-Ca1996.4 - Shandalar
D-Ca1996.5 - Elder Dragons
G-Ca1996.6 - Fallen Angel
D-Ca1996.7 - Dakkon Blackblade
D-Ca1996.8 - Urza-Mishra War
D-N1996.1 - Ashes of the Sun
G-Na1996.2 - Tapestries: An Anthology
G-Na1996.3 - Distant Planes: An Anthology
D-N1996.4 - Song of Time
D-N1996.5 - And Peace Shall Sleep
D-N1996.6 - Dark Legacy
D-Cd1998 - Gerrard's Quest
D-N1998.1 - The Brothers' War - 兄弟之战
D-N1998.2 - Rath and Storm - 瑞斯风暴(音频版)
D-N1998.3 - Planeswalker - 旅法师
D-P1998 - Storming the Stronghold
D-P1998 - A Time for Remembrance
D-N1999.2 - Time Streams - 时间溪流
D-N1999.3 - The Gathering Dark - 暗黑际会(梗概)
D-N1999.4 - Bloodlines
D-N1999.5 - Mercadian Masques - 玛凯迪亚的假面(梗概)
D-N1999.6 - Thran
D-Na1999.1 - The Colors of Magic: An Anthology
D-Na1999.1a - Angel of Vengeance
D-Na1999.1b - Reprisal
D-Na1999.1c - Versipellis
D-Na1999.1d - A Song out of Darkness
D-Na1999.1e - Goblinology
D-Na1999.1f - The Crucible of the Orcs
D-Na1999.1g - Dark Water
D-Na1999.1h - Expeditions to the End of the World
D-Na1999.1i - The Mirror of Yesterday
D-Na1999.1j - Bound in Shallows
D-Na1999.1k - Loran's Smile
D-P1999 - Scars of the Legacy - 远古遗产的伤痕
D-P1999 - Phyrexian Autopsy
D-Cm2000.1 - Mercadian Masques - 玛凯迪亚的假面
D-Cm2000.2 - Nemesis - 宿敌
D-Cm2000.3 - Prophecy - 预言
D-Cm2000.4 - Invasion - 大战役
D-N2000.1 - Nemesis
D-N2000.2 - Eternal Ice
D-Na2000.3 - The Myths of Magic: An Anthology
D-Na2000.3a - Blue Moon
D-Na2000.3b - The Isle of the Lost
D-Na2000.3c - Leviathan
D-Na2000.3d - Phyrexian Creations
D-Na2000.3d - Deathbringer
D-Na2000.3f - Keldon Fire
D-Na2000.3g - The Lady of the Mountain
D-Na2000.3h - In the Blink of an Eye
D-Na2000.3i - Hand of Justice
D-Na2000.3j - Myth and the Many-Chinned Magistrate
D-N2000.4 - Prophecy
D-N2000.5 - Invasion - 大战役
D-N2000.6 - Planeshift
D-N2000.7 - Shattered Alliance
D-N2001.1 - Johan
D-N2001.2 - Apocalypse - 启示录
D-N2001.4 - Odyssey - 奥德赛
D-N2001.5 - Jedit
D-Na2001.3 - The Dragons of Magic: An Anthology
D-Na2001.3a - Dragon Lord
D-Na2001.3b - Dragon of Jamuraa
D-Na2001.3c - Hero of the People
D-Na2001.3d - Dragon's Paw
D-Na2001.3e - Of Protectors & Pride
D-Na2001.3f - Familiar
D-Na2001.3g - Deathwings
D-Na2001.3h - the Fog
D-N2002.1 - Chainer's Torment - 崔纳的绝境
D-N2002.3 - Judgement - 神谴
D-N2002.4 - Hazezon
D-N2002.5 - Onslaught
D-N2002.6 - Assassin's Blade
D-Na2002.2 - The Secrets of Magic: An Anthology
D-Na2002.2a - For Want of Ink
D-Na2002.2b - Song for the Plague Rats
D-Na2002.2c - A Nut by Any Other Name
D-Na2002.2d - Goblin King
D-Na2002.2e - Burning Vengeance
D-Na2002.2f - Like Spider's Silk
D-Na2002.2g - Behold, the Fish
D-Na2002.2h - Journey Home
D-Na2002.2i - Stolen Harvest
D-Na2002.2j - Family Man
D-N2003.1 - Legions
D-N2003.2 - Emperor's Fist
D-N2003.3 - Scourge
D-N2003.6 - The Champion's Trial
D-Na2003.4 - The Monsters of Magic: An Anthology
D-Na2003.4a - Who Is Queen?
D-Na2003.4b - Ach! Hans, Run!
D-Na2003.4c - The Reluctant Student
D-Na2003.4d - Unlikely Allies and Unjust Desserts
D-Na2003.4e - Ereth the Mighty
D-Na2003.4f - True Enough
D-Na2003.4g - Seasons of Slaughter
D-Na2003.4h - An Atog Comes to Aphetto
D-Na2003.4i - Delraich
D-Na2003.4j - Tap, Kraken & Pop
D-Na2003.4k - Crucible
D-Na2003.4l. - The Voice of Command
M-N2004.1 - The Darksteel Eye - 玄铁之眼(梗概)
M-N2004.2 - The Fifth Dawn - 五色曙光(梗概)
K-W2004.1 - Mountain Secret - 霜剑山的秘密
K-W2004.2 - Duty Bound - 义务的羁绊
K-W2004.3 - Everything - 一切
K-W2004.4 - Eight and a Half Tales - 八尾半
K-W2004.5 - Security - 保平安
K-W2004.6 - The Dragon's Errand - 神龙差使
K-W2004.7 - Thankless Child
K-W2004.8 - Bonds of Ice and Fire
K-W2004.9 - The Dragon Shield - 神龙庇护
K-W2004.10 - Told in Whispers - 细语倾诉
Rv-N2005.3 - Ravnica - 拉尼卡(梗概)
K-W2005.11 - A Servant's Mission - 下仆的使命
K-W2005.12 - Patron of the Akki - 恶鬼守护神
K-W2005.13 - Personal Battles
K-W2005.14 - Redemption Smiles - 救赎之笑
K-W2005.15 - The Sound of Crickets - 蟋蟀的啾鸣
K-W2005.16 - War's Wage
K-W2005.17 - The Face Behind the Mask - 假面下的素颜
K-W2005.18 - The Meeting - 会面
K-W2005.19 - Iizuka the Ruthless
K-W2005.20 - The Last Visitor - 终境访客
Rv-W2005 - Wake Up Call
Rv-N2006.1 - Guildpact - 十会盟(梗概)
Rv-N2006.2 - Dissension - 纷争
D-N2006.3 - Time Spiral - 时间漩涡
Rv-W2006.1- Precious Gold
Rv-W2006.2 - Makin' the Law, Makin' the Law - 搞个法规,搞个法规
D-W2006.3 - The Horror at Ronom Glacier
D-W2006.4 - The Battle Of Kjeldor
D-W2006.5 - Vannemir's Choice
D-Pf2006.3b - Keeping the Cold - 守护严寒
Rv-W2006.6 - The Hussar's Last Mission - 轻骑兵的最终使命
Rv-W2006.7 - Life is Beautiful
Rv-W2006.8 - The Merrytown Massacre
L-N2007.3 - Lorwyn - 洛温
D-N2007.1 - Planar Chaos
D-N2007.2 - Future Sight
D-W2007.3 - Time Twists and Destinies Interchange
G-W2007.4 - Thick-Headed Mage
G-W2007.5 - How Many Eyes?
D-W2007.6 - Gentlemen's Duel
D-W2007.7 - Destiny
D-P2007.8 - Maelstrom - 漩涡
D-P2007.9 - Torrent - 激流
L-N2008.1 - Morningtide - 晨光
L-Na2008.2 - Shadowmoor: Anthology - 暗影荒原
L-N2008.3 - Eventide
G-FA20080208 - The Mana Bond
L-FA20080805 - The Seer's Parables
A-SF20081022 - Encounter at the Necropolis
S-Cw2008.1- The Hunter and the Veil - 猎人与面纱
A-Cw2008.2 - Flight of the White Cat - 白狮飞翔
Kp-Cw2008.3 - Fuel for the Fire - 火上添油
A-N2009.1 - Alara Unbroken - 阿拉若:浴火重铸(梗概)
Rv-N2009.2 - Agentsof Artifice - 诡计特工/神器密探
Rg-N2009.3 - The Purifying Fire - 净化之火
A-SF20090304 - An Etherium Tale
A-SF20090325 - Circumnavigation
A-SF20090415 - The Face of War
A-SF20090506 - The Day a Vedalken Exploded
A-SF20090520 - Gold Records
Z-SF20090916 - Monument to a Lost Age
Z-SF20091014 - The Journal of Javad Nasrin
A-Cw2009.1 - The Seeker's Fall - 致知者沉沦
A-Cw2009.2 - Honor Bound
SRv-Cw2009.3 - The Veil's Curse
Z-Cw2009.4 - Journey to the Eye
Z-SF20100119 - Consortium Report: "The Incident at the Eye."
Z-SF20090203 - The Look of an Awakening World
Z-SF20100331 - The Battle of Fort Keff - 克夫要塞之役
Z-SF20100407 - The Tale of Tuktuk
Z-N2010.1 - Zendikar, In the Teeth of Akoum
Rv-N2010.2 - Test of Metal - 金属试炼
M-SF20101201 - A Tale of Two Clone Shells
X-Cw2010.1 - The Wild Son
Z-Cw2010.2 - Awakening
Z-Cw2010.3 - Enter the Eldrazi
D-Cw2010.4 - The Raven's Eye
D-Cw2010.5 - Gathering Forces
M-N2011 - Scars of Mirrodin, The Quest for Karn - 秘罗地创痕:追寻卡恩
M-SF20110119 - Corrupted Conscience - 感知染污
M-FA20110527 - Unctus of the Synod - 悉诺议会的安特斯
M-FA20110520 - Ria of Bladehold - 锐锋城塞的瑞娅
M-FA20110603 - Roxith, Thane of Rot - 堕落领主若西斯
M-FA20110610- Farris of the Anvil - 砧族的法利斯
M-FA20110617 - Kessla of Temple Might - 力量神殿的凯丝拉
I-W2011.1 - The Cursed Blade
I-SF20110914 - The Saint, the Geist, and the Angel - 圣人、幽魂和天使
I-SF20111026 - Deathtrap - 死亡陷阱
M-Cw2011.1 - Scarred
M-Cw2011.2 - Dark Discoveries
R-CI2012.1 - Magic the Gathering Volume I
R.Ci2012.2 - Magic the Gathering Volume II - The Spell Thief
Rv-Ne2012 - Return to Ravnica, The Secretist, Part One - 守秘人: 重返拉尼卡
I-FA20120116 - Preview Article: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - 孽物米凯耶
S-UR2012.2 - Xathrid Gorgon - 札兹离蛇发妖
G-UR2012.3 - Chronomaton - 时计机械兽
Rv-UR2012.4 -Krenko, Mob Boss - 暴民头目克仑可
G-UR2012.5 - Threadbare - (填充娃娃)
I-UR2012.6 - A Blessed Life - 天命神佑
S-UR2012.7 - Talrand, Sky Summoner - 空召师陶岚
A-UR2012.8 - The Stonekiller - 锻石杀手
Rv-UR2012.9 The Shadows of Prahv - 布拉夫魅影
Rv-UR2012.10 - Epic Experiment
Rv-UR2012.11 - In Praise of the Worldsoul
Rv-UR2012.12 - Slaughter Games
Rv-UR2012.15 - The Seven Bells - 七口钟
Rv-UR2012.16 - Rogue's Passage - 浪客小径
Rv-UR2012.17 - Gruul Ingenuity - 古鲁的巧思
R-Ci2013 - Magic the Gathering Volume III - Path of Vengeance
Rv-Ne2013.1 - Gatecrash, The Secretist, Part Two - 守秘人:兵临古城
Rv-Ne2013.2 - Dragon's Maze, The Secretist, Part Three - 守秘人:巨龙迷城
Rv-UR2013.1 - The Fathom Edict
Rv-UR2013.2 - The Absolution of the Guildpact - 十会盟之终
Rv-UR2013.3 - Persistence of Memory - 永续记忆
Rv-UR2013.4 - The Burying - 埋葬仪式
Rv-UR2013.6 - The Guild of Deals - 行商公会
Rv-UR2013.7 - Experiment One - 首号实验体
Rv-UR2013.8 - Fblthp - 夫毕佐
Rv-UR2013.9 -Bilagru Will Come for You
Rv-UR2013.10 - The Hard Sell - 强买强卖
Rv-UR2013.15 -Expectations - 期望
Rv-UR2013.16 - The Pursuit
Rv-UR2013.17 - Life in the Ring - 戏台浮生
Rv-UR2013.18 - The One Hundred Steps - 百步阶
D-UR2013.19 - Preparation - 蓄势待发
Rv-UR2013.20 - Last Day - 最后一日
Rv-UR2013.21 - Paper Trail - 纸上迷途
S-UR2013.23 - Prisoner of the Skep - 母巢之囚
G-UR2013.24 - The Armor in the Crypt - 窖中甲胄
S-UR2013.25 - The Path of Bravery
D-UR2013.26 - Pride Cometh
S-UR2013.27 - Zurbit's Day - 祖尔别特的一天
MTh-UR2013.28 - The Lost Confession - 失落的告解
Th-UR2013.29 - Prince Anax - 阿那克斯王子
Th-UR2013.30 - Nymphs of Theros
Th-UR2013.31- The Consequences of Attraction - 引诱的后果
F-UR2013.32 - The Perfect Gift - 完美的礼物
Th-UR2013.33 - Tragedy - 悲剧
Th-UR2013.34 - I Iroan
Th-UR2013.35 - The Sea God's Labyrinth - 海神迷宫
Th-UR2013.36 - Building Toward a Dream - 构筑梦想
Th-UR2013.37 - Asphodel
Th-Ci2014 - Magic the Gathering Volume IV - Theros
Th-Ne2014.1 - Theros, Godsend - 塞洛斯
Th-Ne2014.2 - Journeyinto Nyx - 尼兹之旅
Th-UR2014.1 - The Nature of Identity - 本性的本质
Th-UR2014.2 - Cowardice of the Hero
Th-UR2014.3 - Emonberry Red - 伊莓之红
Th-UR2014.4 - Kiora's Followers - 奇奥拉的追随者
Th-UR2014.5 - Dance of the Flitterstep
Th-UR2014.6 - The Walls of Akros - 阿喀洛斯之围
Th-UR2014.7 - The Hero of Iroas
Rv-UR2014.8 - The Gorgon and the Guildpact - 蛇发妖与十会盟
Th-UR2014.9 - The Oracle of Ephara - 厄芳拉的先知
Th-UR2014.10 - Seasons in Setessa - 瑟特萨的四季
Th-UR2014.11 - Ajani, Mentor of Heroes - 英雄明师阿耶尼
Th-UR2014.12 - Desperate Stand
Th-UR2014.13 - Dreams of the City - 城市幻梦
Th-UR2014.14 - Thank the Gods - 感谢神明
Th-UR2014.15 - The Path or the Horizon
F-UR2014.16 - Betrayal - 背叛
F-UR2014.17 - The Black Rose - 黑蔷薇
F-UR2014.18 - Like Cogwork - 宛如齿轮
F-UR2014.19 - Blood Will Have Blood - 血债血偿
I-UR2014.21 - Beast - 野兽
Z-UR2014.22 - Nissa, Worldwaker - 醒世师妮莎
S-UR2014.23 - Veil of Deceit - 欺瞒面纱
S-UR2014.24 - The Bard and the Biologist
I-UR2014.25 - The Hunter Cannot Pity - 猎者无情
Th-UR2014.26 - Ajani's Vengeance - 阿耶尼的复仇
G-UR2014.27 - Comin'Through!
Z-UR2014.28 - Dreams of the Damned - 受诅者之梦
I-UR2014.29 - The Lunarch's Journal - 月主教日志
S-UR2014.30 - Monster - 怪物
Tk-UR2014.32 - Awakening the Bear - 醒觉熊性
Tk-UR2014.33 - Sorin'sRevelation - 索霖的启示
Tk-UR2014.34 - Taigam's Scheming - 泰伽姆的阴谋
Tk-UR2014.35 - Way of the Mantis - 螳螂之道
Tk-UR2014.36 - The Chensal Twins - 千索双子
Tk-UR2014.37 - Enlightened - 悟道
Z-UR2014.38 - The Lithomancer - 砾岩术士
X-UR2014.39 - The First World Is the Hardest - 起步维艰
Tk-UR2014.40 - The Salt Road - 盐路
Tk-UR2014.41 - Mercy - 慈悲
Tk-UR2014.42 - Victory - 胜利
Tk-UR2014.43 - Bond and Blood - 血亲羁绊
Tk-UR2015.2 - The Reforged Chain - 重塑命运链
Tk-UR2015.4 - The Doom of the Golden Fang - 金牙的末日
Tk-UR2015.5 - No End and No Beginning - 无始无终
Tk-UR2015.7 - A Tarkir of Dragons - 群龙的鞑契
Tk-UR2015.8 - The Great Teacher's Student - 大宗师的学徒
Tk-UR2015.9 - Sorin's Restoration - 索霖的复归
Tk-UR2015.10 - The Guardian - 守护者
Z-UR2015.14 - Stirring from Slumber - 沉眠醒觉
Th-UR2015.15 - Drop for Drop - 全面较量
Rv-UR2015.16 - Project Lightning Bug - 萤火虫计划
KlRg-UR2015.17 - Chandra’s Origin:Fire Logic - 茜卓的起源:火焰逻辑
DI-UR2015.18 - Liliana's Origin-The Fourth Pact - 莉莲娜的起源:第四契约
RvV-UR2015.19 - Jace’s Origin: Absent Minds - 杰斯的起源:缺位心灵
ATh-UR2015.20 - Gideon’s Origin: Kytheon Iora of Akros - 基定的起源:阿喀洛斯的基定尤拉
LZ-UR2015.21 - Nissa’s Origin- Home - 妮莎的起源:家园
RvZ-UR2015.22 - Limits - 极限
Rv-UR2015.23 - Catching Up - 叙旧
Rv-UR2015.24 - Unkindness of Ravens - 无情黑鸦
Rg-UR2015.25 - Offers to the Fire - 火焰献祭
Z-UR2015.26 - For Zendikar - 为了赞迪卡
Z-UR2015.27 - Slaughter at the Refuge - 避难所大屠杀
Z-UR2015.28 - Silent Cry - 沉默的呐喊
Z-UR2015.29 - The Believer's Pilgrimage - 信徒朝圣
Z-UR2015.30 - The Survivors of Sky Rock - 天岩幸存者
Z-UR2015.31 - Memories of Blood - 鲜血记忆
Z-UR2015.32 - Nissa's Quest - 妮莎的探索
Z-UR2015.33 - Home Waters- 家园水域
Z-UR2015.34 - Nissa's Resolve - 妮莎的决心
Z-UR2015.35 - Relevation at the Eye - 眼中启示
Z-UR2015.36 - Shaping an Army - 形塑军伍
Z-UR2015.37 - The Liberation of Sea Gate - 解放海户
A-UR2015.38 - All the Cairns of Jund - 勇德石冢
Rv-UR2015.39 - Family Values - 家族价值
Z-UR2015.40 - Hedron Alignment - 晶石阵列
Z-UR2015.41 - At Any Cost- 不计代价
RgZ-UR2015.42 - Promises to Keep - 恪守承诺
Z-UR2015.43 - The Rise of Kozilek - 寇基雷再起
Z-UR2015.44 - Retaliation of Ob Nixilis - 欧尼希兹的复仇
Z-MS2016.1 - Reclamation - 收复失地
Z-MS2016.2 - The Blight We Were Born For - 因枯萎而生
Z-MS2016.3 - Up in Flames - 焰中腾扬
Z-MS2016.4 - Beneath the Surface - 水面之下
Z-MS2016.5 - Oath of the Gatewatch - 守护者誓约
Z-MS2016.6 - Brink of Extinction - 灭绝边缘
Z-MS2016.7 - Zendikar's Last Stand - 赞迪卡最后的战役
Z-MS2016.8 - Zendikar Resurgent - 赞迪卡复苏
I-MS2016.9 - Under the Silver Moon - 银月之下
I-MS2016.10 - A Gaze Blank and Pitiless - 冷漠无情的凝视
I-MS2016.11 - Unwelcome - 不速之客
I-MS2016.12 - Sacrifice - 献祭魔蛤
I-MS2016.13 - The Mystery of Markov Manor - 马可夫庄园的秘密
I-MS2016.14 - The Drownyard Temple - 沉船地殿堂
I-MS2016.15 - Promises Old and New - 旧与新的许诺
I-MS2016.16 - Liliana's Indignation - 莉莲娜的愤慨
I-MS2016.17 - Games - 游戏
I-MS2016.18 - The Lunarch Inquisition - 月主会审讯
I-MS2016.19 - Stories and Endings - 故事与结局
I-MS2016.20 - I Am Avacyn- 吾乃艾维欣
D-MS2016.21 - The Prodigal Sorcerers - 放荡的术士们
D-MS2016.22 - All that Came Before - 往昔之人
I-MS2016.24 - Stone and Blood - 石与血
I-MS2016.25 - Emrakul Rises - 伊莫库现身
I-MS2016.26 - Innistrad's Last Hope - 依尼翠最后的希望
I-MS2016.27 - Campaign of Vengeance - 复仇之战
I-MS2016.28 - Saint Traft and the Flight of Nightmares - 圣沙弗与梦魇空使
I-MS2016.29 - Battle of Thraben - 瑟班之役
F-MS2016.31 - Laid to Rest - 安息
F-MS2016.32 - Tyrant - 暴君
F-MS2016.34 - Proclamation by Adriana, Captain of the Guard - 侍卫队长亚卓安娜的公告 译文2
F-MS2016.35 - Blood Instructions - 血腥指令
F-MS2016.36 - Leovold's Dossiers - 列沃德的卷宗
Rv-MS2016.37 - Homesick - 思乡
Kl-MS2016.38 - A Time for Innovation - 创新的时刻/创新时刻
Kl-MS2016.39 - Torch of Defiance - 反抗烈炬
Kl-MS2016.40 - Renegade Prime - 首席乱匠/乱匠至尊
Kl-MS2016.41 - Born of Aether - 源自乙太/生于乙太
Kl-MS2016.42 - Bottled Up - 囚困/风尘往事
Kl-MS2016.43 - Release - 释放/解救行动
KlRv-MS2016.44 - In This Very Arena - 斗技场对决/竞技场故地
Kl-MS2016.45 - A Grateful Consulate - 感恩的执政院/欣喜赴任
Kl-MS2016.47 - Quiet Moments - 寂静时刻
Kl-MS2016.48 - Breakthrough - 突破/重大突破
Kl-MS2017.1 - Revolution Begins - 革命开始/揭竿而起
Kl-MS2017.2 - Burn - 燃烧
Kl-MS2017.3 - The Skies over Ghirapur - 吉拉波苍穹
Kl-MS2017.4 - Breaking Down - 爆发点/惊爆点
Kl-MS2017.5 - Puppets - 傀儡
Kl-MS2017.6 - Renewal - 新机/复兴
Ak-MS2017.7 - Impact - 冲击
Ak-MS2017.8 - Trust - 信任
Ak-MS2017.9 - The Writing on the Wall - 不祥之兆
Ak-MS2017.10 - Servants - 仆从
Ak-MS2017.11 - The Hand That Moves - 操控之手
Ak-MS2017.12 - Brazen - 放肆
Ak-MS2017.13 - Trespass - 擅闯禁地
Ak-MS2017.14 - Judgment - 决断
Rv-MS2017.15 - Pride of The Kraul - 刻洛族的骄傲
Ak-MS2017.16 - The Hour of Revelation - 预示时刻
Ak-MS2017.17 - Feast - 飨宴
Ak-MS2017.18 - Hour of Glory - 荣光时刻
Ak-MS2017.19 - The Hour of Promise - 允诺时刻
Ak-MS2017.20 - Favor - 眷顾
Ak-MS2017.21 - Hour of Eternity - 永恒时刻
Ak-MS2017.22 - Endure - 长存
Ak-MS2017.23 - Hour of Devestation - 幻灭时刻
Ix-MS2017.24 - Jace, Alone - 杰斯,孤立无援
Ix-MS2017.25 - A Question of Confidence - 自信问题
Ix-MS2017.26 - The Talented Captain Vraska - 天才船长瓦丝卡
Ix-MS2017.27 - The Shapers - 塑形师
Ix-MS2017.28 - Something Else Entirely - 另当别论
Ix-MS2017.29 - The Race, Part 1 - 争夺,第一部份
Ix-MS2017.30 - The Race, Part 2 - 争夺,第二部份
B-MS2017.31 - World Class - 世界概览
Ix-MS2018.1 - The Flood - 洪流
Ix-MS2018.2 - Glimpse the Far Side of the Sun - 窥视烈阳的另一侧
I x-MS2018.3 - The Arbiter of Law Left Chaos in His Wake - 律法仲裁者途经之处一片混乱
Ix-MS2018.4 - Sabotage - 蓄意破坏
Ix-MS2018.5 - Who Tells the Stories - 说故事的人
DIxKl-MS2018.6 - Wool Over the Eyes - 蒙蔽
Ix-MS2018.7 - Rivals of Ixalan Magic Story Alternate Endings - 决胜依夏兰的各种结局
D-MS2018.8 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 1 - 重返多明纳里亚:第一集
D-MS2018.9 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 2 - 重返多明纳里亚:第二集
D-MS2018.10 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 3 - 重返多明纳里亚:第三集
D-MS2018.11 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 4 - 重返多明纳里亚:第四集
Background Settings
D-P1994 - Dominia and its Walkers (from the MTG Pocket Players' Guide)
D-T1994.S - A History of the Antiquities War
D-T1994.v3 - A History of the Fallen Empires
D-T1995.v5 - The Story of Ice Age
U-T1995.v7 - The Story of Homelands
X-T1995.v7 - The Slowing of His Heart
U-T1995.v8 - From the Library of Leng: Eron the Relentless
D-P1995 - Nature of Dominia with A Timeline (from the Pocket Players’ Guide for MTG Fourth Edition)
U-T1996.v9 - From the Library of Leng: Autumn Willow
U-T1996.v10 - From the Library of Leng: Baron Sengir
D-T1996.v11 - The Setting for Alliance
U-T1996.v11 - From the Library of Leng: Lord Tresserhorn
U-T1996.v12 - From the Library of Leng: Verduran Enchantress
D-T1996.v13 - From the Library of Leng: Phyrexian Dreadnought and Prismatic Circle
D-T1996.v13 - The War of Mirage
D-T1996.v13 - A Who’s-Who Guide to Mirage
D-T1996.v14 - From the Library of Leng: Serra Angel
D-T1997.v15 - From the Library of Leng: Goblin Recruiter
D-T1997.v15 - Visions Told: The Resolution of the War for Jamuraa
D-T1997.v16 - Dominian Chronicles: Dominia, Dominaria. What's the Deal?
D-T1997.v16 - Dominian Chronicles: A Quick Tour of Dominaria
D-T1997.v16 - Dominian Chronicles: Walkers of the Planes
D-T1997.v16 - Dominian Chronicles: Dominaria Facts
D-T1997.v18 - Weatherlight Takes Centre Stage
D-T1997.v19 - Dominian Chronicles: Weatherlight Ports of Call
D-T1997.v19 - Continuity FAQ #1
D-T1997.v20 - Dominian FAQ #2
D-T1997.v20 - Dominian Chronicles. A Dark Corner of the Multiverse p36
D-T1997.v20/FA20021220 - Tempest Storyboard
D-P1997 - Why We Fight: The Story Behind the Coming of the Great Wizards (from The Official Strategy Guide for MTG Battlemage)
D-P1997 - A Overview of Tempest from The Official
D-P1997 - The Weatherlight Saga: Heroes, Villains and Ships (from The Official Guide to Tempest)
S-P1997 - A Little History (from Instruction Manual Micro Prose MTG Computer Game)
D-T1998.v21 - Dominian FAQ #3 p37
D-T1998.v21 - Dominian Chronicles. Stepping into The Darkness p36
D-T1998.v22 - Dominian FAQ #4 p33
D-T1998.v23 - Dominian FAQ #5 p24
D-T1998.v23 - Dominian Chronicles. The Heart of Rath: The Art of Darkness p24
D-T1998.v24 - Dominian FAQ #6 p27
D-T1998.v24 - Dominian Chronicles: The Lurker's Guide to the Stronghold p26
D-T1998.v24 - Stronghold Storyboard p58
D-T1998.v25 - Dominian FAQ #7 p34
D-T1998.v26 - Dominian FAQ #8 p26
D-T1998.v27 - Dominian FAQ #9 p34
D-T1998.v28 - Exodus Storyboard p52
D-T1998.v31 - Forgotten Lore: The Sleeper Agent Awakes
D-T1998.v34 - Dominian FAQ #10 p28
D-T1998.v34 - Dominaria Timeline p28
D-A1998 - The Art of Magic: The Gathering - The Rath Cycle
D-T1999.v36 - Forgotten Lore: Jhoira de Vivre
D-T1999.v36 - Past Mistakes, Future Hope
D-T1999.v38 - Dominian FAQ #11
D-T1999.v40 - Forgotten Lore: Yavimaya, Evolution of a Warrior
D-T1999.v40 - Urza's Moments of Destiny
D-T1999.v42 - High Adventure in Mercadia
D-P2000 - Beatdown Gallery:Sengir Vampire,Erhnam Djinn, Fallen Angel, Clockwork Avian, Clockwork Beast, Leviathan, Mahamoti Djinn, Fog Elemental, Ball Lightning, Yavimaya Wurm, Shambling Strider
D-Pf2001 - Kamahl's Odyssey
D-FA20020107 - A Man Named Chainer - 名为崔纳
D-FA20020205 - Underwater and Unscrupulous
D-FA20020429 - Final Judgment
D-FA20020513 - Snap (Shots of) Judgment
D-FA20020923 - Prepare for the Onslaught
D-Pf2002.1 - Chainer's Torment
D-Pf2002.2 - Laquatus's Judgement
D-Pf2002.3 - The Onslaught Begins
D-Pf2003.1 - The Coming of War
D-Pf2003.2 - The Scourge of Otaria
D-FA20030114 - For They Are Legions
D-FA20030505 - Scourge of Otaria
M-Pf2003.3 - Welcome to Mirrodin
M-FA20030909 - Mirrodin Image
M-FA20040112 - Shedding Light on Darksteel
D-FA20040308 - A Sliver Story
M-FA20040503 - The Breaking Fifth Dawn
M-Pf2004.1 - A Hollow World
M-Pf2004.2 - Five Dawns,Five Lacunae
K-FA20040830 - We Are the Champions, My Friend
K-Pf2004.3a - Against the Gods
K-Pf2004.3b - Famous Figures of the Kami War Part 1/3
K-Pf2004.3c - A Kamigawa Glossary Part 1/3
K-Pf2005.1a - Konda's Crime Revealed
K-Pf2005.1b - Famous Figures of the Kami War Part 2/3
K-Pf2005.1b - A Kamigawa Glossary Part 2/3
K-Pf2005.2a - Umezawa's Endgame
K-Pf2005.2b - Famous Figures of the Kami War Part 3/3
K-Pf2005.2c - A Kamigawa Glossary Part 3/3
K-Pf2005.2d - Shinen and the Veil Between the Worlds
Rv-Pf2005.3a - A Delicate Balance Disturbed
Rv-Pf2005.3b - House Dimir,The Golgari,Boros Legion, The Selesnya Conclave
Rv-Pf2006.1a - Teysa's Gambit
Rv-Pf2005.1b - The Orzhov,The Izzet League, The Gruul Clans
Rv-Pf2006.2a - Trouble in the Ghost Quarter
Rv-Pf2006.2b - The Azorius Senate, The Cult of Rakdos, The Simic Combine
Rv-FA20050905 - Life in the Big City
D-Pf2006.3a - The Weather Outside is Frightful
D-Pf2006.3b - ]The Power of Snow
D-Pf2006.4 - The Ravages of Time
D-FA20060626 - Coming in from the Cold
D-FA20060904 - Time (Spiral) Is On My Side
D-FA20070108 - Order and (Planar) Chaos
D-FA20070205 - Flavor From the Chaos
D-FA20070409 - Back to the Future Sight
D-Pf2007.1 - Healing Time's Wounds
D-Pf2007.2a - Noble Sacrifices
D-Pf2007.2b - When All is Said and Done
L-Pf2007.3a - Preparing for the Revel
L-Pf2007.3b - Lorwyn Tribes
L-Pf2007.3c - A New Generation of Planeswalkers
D-Pf2007.4 - Reya, Dawnbringer;Ambassador Laquatus;Ascendant Evincar;Kamahl,Pit Fighter;Mirri,Cat Warrior
L-FA20070910 - Lorwyn Lore - 洛温的传说
V-SF20071024 - Planeswalkers Unmasked - 揭秘旅法师
L-FA20080107 - In the Early Moriningtide
L-FA20080331 - The Deepening Shadowmoor - 深入暗影
L-Pf2008.1 - Destinies Realized
L-Pf2008.2 - The Shadows Awaken
L-Pf2008.3a - Myth by Moonlight
L-Pf2008.3b - Out of the Woodwork
A-N2008 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Alara
A-SF20080416 - You Can’t Handle the Reaper King
V-SF20080820 - The Art of Elves
A-SF20080910 - Running Wid
A-SF20080924 - Alive and Unwell
A-SF20081008 - An Angel's Eye View of Bant
A-SF20081029 - Ajani-Faces of a Planeswalker
A-SF20081105 - The Movers and Shakers of Naya
A-SF20081203 - Jund's One Rule
A-Pf2008.4a - Five World: Alara Asunder
A-Pf2008.4b - Planeswalkers of the Shards
A-Pf2009.1a - The Rise of Nicol Bolas
A-Pf2009.1b - Bolas's Minions
A-Pf2009.1c - Five Worlds of Alara
A-Pf2009.1d - The Shards at War
A-Pf2009.2a - Alara:A Plane Rejoined
A-Pf2009.2b - The Shards Reborn
A-SF20090121 - The Soul of the World
A-SF20090128 - Bolas's Secret Minions
A-SF20090204 - The First Days of the Conflux
A-SF20090429 - Choices in the New Alara
V-SF20090902 - The Planes of Planechase
Z-Pf2009.3a - Lethal Dangers, Priceless Rewards
Z-Pf2009.3b - The World of Zendikar
Z-SF20090909 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Zendikar (Part1)
Z-SF20090923 - The Master at Arms
Z-SF20090930 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Bala Ged and Elves (Part2)
Z-SF20091007 - The Moment of Discovery
Z-SF20091021 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Guul Draz (Part3)
Z-SF20091028 - The Season for Costumes
Z-SF20091104 - Ally Cuisine
Z-SF20091111 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Ondu (Part4)
Z-SF20091202 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Tazeem and Merfolk(Part5)
Z-SF20091216 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Goblins (Part6)
Z-Pf2010.1a - Zendikar: Growing Menace
Z-Pf2010.1b - The Planeswalker Story
Z-Pf2010.2a - The Eldrazi Unleashed
Z-Pf2010.2b - Eaters of Worlds
Z-Pf2010.2c - Gideon Jura, Sarkhan the Mad
Z-SF20100113 - A Planeswalker’s Guide to Zendikar: Akoum (Part7)
Z-SF20100127 - The Tyrant of the Cliffs
Z-SF20100203 - The Look of an Awakening World
Z-SF20100224 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Zendikar: Murasa and Sejiri (Part8)
Z-SF20100317 - Gods and Monsters
Z-SF20100414 - The Defiance of Angels
Z-SF20100428 - The Three Brood Lineages
Z-SF20100512 - Rising to the Occasion
D-Pf2010.4 - Ajani,Jace,Liliana,Chandra,Garruk
M-Pf2010.3a - Return to a Gleaming World
M-Pf2010.3b - Phyrexia Rises
M-Pf2010.3c - Venser ,Koth,Elspeth
M-SF20100908 - Phyrexia and the Vaultlord
M-SF20100915 - Myr Thee Well
M-SF20100922 - The Terms of Engagement
M-SF20101006 - Spreading the Infection
M-SF20101020 - Three's a Craft
M-SF20101117 - The Human Cultures of Mirrodin
M-SF20101208 - The Nonhuman Cultures of Mirrodin
M-SF20101215 - Everything* Dies
M-SF20110126 - Phyrexia: The Strong and the Scattered
M-SF20110209 - Public Displays of Aggression
M-SF20110223 - Why the Mirrans Will Endure
M-SF20110309 - Germ Warfare: The Flavor of Living Weapon
M-SF20110406 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: Introduction - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 序章
M-SF20110406 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: The Machine Orthodoxy - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 白色
M-SF20110413 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: The Steel Thanes - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 黑色
M-SF20110420 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: The Progress Engine - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 蓝色
M-SF20110427 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: The Vicious Swarm - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 绿色
M-SF20110504 - A Planeswalker's Guide to New Phyrexia: The Quiet Furnace - 新非瑞克西亚系列旅法师指南 红色
M-FA20110425 - The Golem's Legacy
M-SF20110511- Getting to Know the Praetors
M-Pf2011.1a - War on Mirrodin: The Phyrexian Onslaught
M-Pf2011.1b - War on Mirrodin: The Mirran Resistance
M-Pf2011.1c - Phyrexian Factions
M-Pf2011.1d - Tezzret, Agent of Bolas
M-Pf2011.2a - A World Reborn
M-Pf2011.2b - Factions of Phyrexia
M-Pf2011.2c - Karn, Planeswalker
V-SF20110622 - Fifteen Commanders, Fifteen Tales
V-Pf2011.4 - Gideon,Jace,Sorin,Chandra,Garruk(with unknown descriptions on five colors)
I-Pf2011.3a - The Horror of the Angel's Absence
I-Pf2011.3b - The Province of Gavony,Stensia,Nephalia,Kessig
I-SF20110824 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad: Introduction - 依尼翠系列旅法师指南: 概览
I-SF20110831 - Liliana's Mission - 莉莲娜的任务
I-SF20110907 - Champion of the Parish
I-SF20110928 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad: Gavony and Humans - 依尼翠系列旅法师指南: 加渥尼和人类
I-SF20111005 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad: Kessig and Werewolves - 依尼翠系列旅法师指南: 凯锡革和狼人
I-SF20111019 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad: Nephalia and the Undead - 依尼翠系列旅法师指南: 涅非利亚和不死亡族
I-SF20111102 - A Planeswalker's Guide to Innistrad: Stensia and Vampires - 依尼翠系列旅法师指南: 史顿襄和吸血鬼
I-FA20120411 - Planeswalker's Guide to Avacyn Restored: Part 1 - 艾维欣重临系列旅法师指南(上)
I-FA20120418 - Planeswalker's Guide to Avacyn Restored: Part 2 - 艾维欣重临系列旅法师指南(下)
I-SF20110920 - Postcards from Innistrad: The Nonbasics
I-SF20111121 - Postcards from Innistrad: The Basics
I-SF20120104 - A Backstory Update for Dark Ascension - 黑影笼罩的背景故事
I-SF20120111 - Sorin's Homecoming - 归乡的索霖
I-SF20120118 - The Prison of Silver - 银之牢狱
I-SF20120125 - The State of the Faith
I-SF20120215 - Sympathy for the Devils
I-SF20120321 - The Guardian, the Witch, and Angel - 守护者、女巫和天使
I-FA20120409 - Angel's Rise and Demon's Release - 天使翔升,恶魔遭释
I-Pf2012.1a - Darkness Ascends
I-Pf2012.1b - Sorin Markov
I-Pf2012.2a - The Hunt for Griselbrand
I-Pf2012.2b - Tibalt,Tamiyo
Rv-Pf2012.3a - Ravnica: A City of Guilds
Rv-Pf2012.3b - Azorius,Izzet,Rakdos,Golgari,Selesnya
D-Pf2012.4 - Nicol Bolas,Ajani,Jace,Lilliana,Chandra,Garruk (with quotations from five Planeswalkers)
Rv-FA20120822 - Planeswalker's Guide to Return to Ravnica Part 1 - 再访拉尼卡系列旅法师指南(上)
Rv-FA20120905 - Planeswalker's Guide to Return to Ravnica Part 2 - 再访拉尼卡系列旅法师指南(中)
Rv-FA20120919 - Planeswalker's Guide to Return to Ravnica Part 3 - 再访拉尼卡系列旅法师指南(下)
Rv-FA20121205 - Planeswalker's Guide to Gatecrash Part 1 - 兵临古城系列旅法师指南(上) 译文2
Rv-FA20121212 - Planeswalker's Guide to Gatecrash Part 2 - 兵临古城系列旅法师指南(下) 译文2
Rv-Pf2013.1a - Strife of the Guilds
Rv-Pf2013.1b - Orzhov,Dimir,Gruul,Boros,Simic
Rv-Pf2013.1c - Gideon Jura,Domri Rade
Rv-Pf2013.2a - The Race for the Maze
Rv-Pf2013.2b - Ral Zarek
Th-FA20130904 - Planeswalker's Guide to Theros, Part 1 - 塞洛斯系列旅法师指南(上)
Th-FA20130904 - Planeswalker's Guide to Theros, Part 2 - 塞洛斯系列旅法师指南(中)
Th-FA20130904 - Planeswalker's Guide to Theros, Part 3 - 塞洛斯系列旅法师指南(下)
Th-Pf2013.3a - Gods, Monsters and Mortals
Th-Pf2013.3b - The Gods of Theros Part1/3
Th-Pf2013.3c - Elspeth,Ashiok,Xenagos
D-Pf2013.4 - The Silver Hives(with quotations from five Planeswalkers)
Th-MS20140108 - Planeswalker's Guide to Born of the Gods - 天神创生旅法师指南 译文2
Th-MS20140402 - Planeswalker's Guide to Journey into Nyx - 尼兹之旅系列旅法师指南 译文2
Th-Pf2014.1a - Peril in the Stars, A Pantheon Disrupted, A Hero's Trial, A God's Price
Th-Pf2014.1b - The Gods of Theros Part2/3
Th-Pf2014.1c - Ajani
Th-Pf2014.2a - A World in Chaos, A Patheon Disrupted, Mortals Under Siege, Gods in Turmoil
Th-Pf2014.2b - The Gods of Theros Part3/3
Th-Pf2014.2c - Kiora
Tk-UR20140903 - Planeswalker's Guide to Khans of Tarkir, Part 1 - 鞑契可汗系列旅法师指南(上) 译文2
Tk-UR20140910 - Planeswalker's Guide to Khans of Tarkir, Part 2 - 鞑契可汗系列旅法师指南(下)
Tk-Pf2014.3a - A World Ruled by Clans
Tk-Pf2014.3b - The Abzan Houses,The Jeskai Way,The Sultai Brood,The Mardu Horde,The Temur Frontier
Tk-Pf2014.3c - Sarkhan Vol, Sorin Markov
Tk-UR20150108 - Planeswalker's Guide to Fate Reforged - 龙命殊途系列旅法师指南 译文2
Tk-UR20150311 - Planeswalker's Guide to Dragons of Tarkir, Part 1 - 鞑契龙王系列旅法师指南(上)
Tk-UR20150318 - Planeswalker's Guide to Dragons of Tarkir, Part 2 - 鞑契龙王系列旅法师指南(下)
Tk-UR20150429 - The Story of Tarkir Block - 鞑契环境故事总览
Tk-Pf2015.1a - Time of the Ancestors
Tk-Pf2015.1b - Ugin
Tk-Pf2015.1c - The Abzan Houses,The Jeskai Way,The Sultai Brood,The Mardu Horde,The Temur Frontier
Tk-Pf2015.2a - A World Ruled by Dragons
Tk-Pf2015.2b - The Dromoka Clan,The Ojutai Clan,The Silumgar Clan,The Kolaghan Clan,The Atarka Clan
Tk-Pf2015.2c - Sarkan Vol,Narset
Tk-Pf2015.2d - Altered Fates
Z-Pf2015.3a - Zendikar: A World in Peril
Z-Pf2015.3b - Gideon Jura,Kiora,Ob Nixilis
Z-Pf2015.3c - The Eldrazi Titans
Z-Pf2015.3d - Battle for Zendikar Story Spotlights
D-Pf2015.4 - Gideon,Jace,Liliana,Chandra,Nissa
Z-Pf2016.1a - The Gatewatch,Kozilek and Ulamog
Z-Pf2016.1b - Zendikar: A World in Peril
Z-Pf2016.1c - Oath of Gatewatch Story Spotlights
Z-Pf2016.1d - Nissa Revane,Chandra Nalaar
Z-PS2016.1 - Plane Shift: Zendikar
Z-A2016.1 - The Art of Magic the Gathering - Zendikar
I-A2016.2 - The Art of Magic: The Gathering - Innistrad
I-Pf2016.2a - History of Innistrad,Avacyn and the Lunarch Council,Vampires:Blood and Desire,The Living Dead:Flesh and Spirit,Werewoves:Passion and the Hunt,
I-Pf2016.2b - Jace Beleren,Sorin Markov,Nahiri
I-Pf2016.2c - Shadows over Innistrad Story Spotlights
I-Pf2016.3a - A Grudge that Broke the World
I-Pf2016.3b - Emrakul,the Promised End
I-Pf2016.3c - Resistance Against Corruption
I-Pf2016.3d - Tamiyo, Liliana Vess
I-Pf2016.3e - Eldritch Moon Story Spotlights
I-PS2016.2 - Plane Shift: Innistrad
Kl-Pf2016.4a - The Brilliant World of Kaladesh
Kl-Pf2016.4b - The Aether Cycle
Kl-Pf2016.4c - The Inventors' Fair, Inventor Societies
Kl-Pf2016.4d - Saheeli Rai,Dovin Baan,Nissa Revane,Chandra Nalaar
Kl-Pf2016.4e - Kaladesh Story Spotlights
Kl-MS20161102 - Planeswalker's Guide to Kaladesh - 卡拉德许鹏洛客指南
Kl-A2017.1 - The Art of Magic the Gathering: Kaladesh - 万智牌艺术设定集:卡拉德许 (即将出版!)
Ak-Pf2017.1a - The World of Amonkhet
Ak-Pf2017.1b - The Journey to the Afterlife
Ak-Pf2017.1c - The Pantheon of Gods
Ak-Pf2017.1d - The Gatewatch Comes to Amonkhet
Ak-PS2017.1 - Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Ix-FA20171101 - Planeswalker's Guide to Ixalan, Part 1 - 依夏兰鹏洛客指南,第一部分 译文2
Ix-FA20171108 - Planeswalker's Guide to Ixalan, Part 2 - 依夏兰鹏洛客指南,第二部分 译文2
Ix-A2018.1 - The Art of Magic the Gathering: Ixalan