Brilliant, curious, and always in control, Jace is a master of mental magic: spells of illusion, deception, and mind reading. An adept analyst, he has an optimized plan (and a backup plan) for every situation.
It's good to learn from your failures, but I prefer to learn from the failures of others.
Brilliant, curious, and always in control, Jace is a master of mental magic: spells of illusion, deception, and mind reading. His powers allow him to manipulate enemy mages by countering their magic or using their spells against them. An adept analyst, he has an optimized plan (and a backup plan) for every situation.
Growing up as a magical prodigy on his home plane, Jace Beleren sought out the training of the mysterious sphinx Alhammarret. Under the sphinx's training, Jace learned to control his abilities. However, when Jace discovered that Alhammarret had been using him for political manipulations, he confronted his master in a fierce mental battle. The battle badly damaged Jace's memories and caused him excruciating pain. This distress ignited his Planeswalker spark, tearing him away from his home plane.
Jace awoke on Ravnica, his memories shattered and his former identity forgotten. During this time, he formed a romantic attachment to Liliana Vess, only to learn that she too was manipulating and deceiving him.
Jace's absence of memory now fuels his insatiable appetite for knowledge and truth. His need to uncover and understand the unknown has lead him to Zendikar and back to Ravnica, where he solved his greatest puzzle yet: the Implicit Maze. His achievements earned him the title of Ravnica's Living Guildpact, where he serves as the magically empowered arbiter between the city's many guilds.
After aiding in the defeat of two of the Eldrazi titans on Zendikar, Jace took an oath to keep watch over the planes of the Multiverse as part of the Gatewatch. The Gatewatch offers him the opportunity to think and act on a larger scale, which intrigues him as a mental challenge in addition to appealing to his sense of responsibility. Jace can't walk away from an unsolved mystery. He believes everything that exists can be understood, and he dreams of one day knowing everything there is to know.
On Zendikar, he learned the history of the Eldrazi from Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and he burned with the desire to know more about them—which brought him to Innistrad in search of Sorin Markov. His visit to the plane is complicated by his relationship with Liliana Vess, who has a close connection to Innistrad. Given their past romance, he is attracted to her and cares about her, but he doesn't trust her at all.
RvV-UR2015.19 - Jace’s Origin: Absent Minds -
Rv-N2009.2 - Agentsof Artifice - 诡计特工/神器密探
Kp-Cw2008.3 - Fuel for the Fire - 火上添油
Z-Cw2009.4 - Journey to the Eye
Rv-N2010.2 - Test of Metal - 金属试炼
Rv-Ne2012 - Return to Ravnica, The Secretist, Part One - 《解秘人》第一部—重返拉尼卡
Rv-Ne2013.1 - Gatecrash, The Secretist, Part Two - 《解秘人》第二部—兵临古城(梗概)上 , 兵临古城(梗概)下
Rv-Ne2013.2 - Dragon's Maze, The Secretist, Part Three - 《解秘人》第三部—巨龙迷城(梗概)上 , 巨龙迷城(梗概)下
Rv-UR2014.8 - The Gorgon and the Guildpact - 蛇发妖与十会盟
Rv-UR2015.16 - Project Lightning Bug - 萤火虫计划
RvZ-UR2015.22 - Limits - 极限
Rv-UR2015.23 - Catching Up - 叙旧
Rv-UR2015.24 - Unkindness of Ravens - 无情黑鸦
Rg-UR2015.25 - Offers to the Fire - 火焰献祭
Z-UR2015.26 - For Zendikar - 为了赞迪卡
Z-UR2015.27 - Slaughter at the Refuge - 避难所大屠杀
Z-UR2015.28 - Silent Cry - 沉默的呐喊
Z-UR2015.29 - The Believer's Pilgrimage - 信徒朝圣
Z-UR2015.30 - The Survivors of Sky Rock - 天岩幸存者
Z-UR2015.31 - Memories of Blood - 鲜血记忆
Z-UR2015.32 - Nissa's Quest - 妮莎的探索
Z-UR2015.33 - Home Waters- 家园水域
Z-UR2015.34 - Nissa's Resolve - 妮莎的决心
Z-UR2015.35 - Relevation at the Eye - 眼中启示
Z-UR2015.36 - Shaping an Army - 形塑军伍
Z-UR2015.37 - The Liberation of Sea Gate - 解放海户
Rv-UR2015.39 - Family Values -
Z-UR2015.40 - Hedron Alignment - 晶石阵列
Z-UR2015.41 - At Any Cost- 不计代价
RgZ-UR2015.42 - Promises to Keep - 恪守承诺
Z-UR2015.43 - The Rise of Kozilek - 寇基雷再起
Z-UR2015.44 - Retaliation of Ob Nixilis - 欧尼希兹的复仇
Z-MS2016.1 - Reclamation - 收复失地
Z-MS2016.2 - The Blight We Were Born For - 因枯萎而生
Z-MS2016.3 - Up in Flames - 焰中腾扬
Z-MS2016.4 - Beneath the Surface - 水面之下
Z-MS2016.5 - Oath of the Gatewatch - 守护者誓约
Z-MS2016.6 - Brink of Extinction - 灭绝边缘
Z-MS2016.7 - Zendikar's Last Stand - 赞迪卡最后的战役
Z-MS2016.8 - Zendikar Resurgent - 赞迪卡复苏
I-MS2016.9 - Under the Silver Moon - 银月之下
I-MS2016.10 - A Gaze Blank and Pitiless - 冷漠无情的凝视
I-MS2016.11 - Unwelcome - 不速之客
I-MS2016.12 - Sacrifice - 献祭魔蛤
I-MS2016.13 - The Mystery of Markov Manor - 马可夫庄园的秘密
I-MS2016.14 - The Drownyard Temple - 沉船地殿堂
I-MS2016.15 - Promises Old and New - 旧与新的许诺
I-MS2016.16 - Liliana's Indignation - 莉莲娜的愤慨
I-MS2016.17 - Games - 游戏
I-MS2016.18 - The Lunarch Inquisition - 月主会审讯
I-MS2016.19 - Stories and Endings - 故事与结局
I-MS2016.20 - I Am Avacyn- 吾乃艾维欣
I-MS2016.24 - Stone and Blood - 石与血
I-MS2016.25 - Emrakul Rises - 伊莫库现身
I-MS2016.26 - Innistrad's Last Hope - 依尼翠最后的希望
I-MS2016.27 - Campaign of Vengeance - 复仇之战
I-MS2016.28 - Saint Traft and the Flight of Nightmares - 圣沙弗与梦魇空使
I-MS2016.29 - Battle of Thraben - 瑟班之役
Rv-MS2016.37 - Homesick - 思乡
Kl-MS2016.38 - A Time for Innovation - 创新的时刻/创新时刻
Kl-MS2016.39 - Torch of Defiance - 反抗烈炬
Kl-MS2016.40 - Renegade Prime - 首席乱匠/乱匠至尊
Kl-MS2016.41 - Born of Aether - 源自乙太/生于乙太
Kl-MS2016.42 - Bottled Up - 囚困/风尘往事
Kl-MS2016.43 - Release - 释放/解救行动
KlRv-MS2016.44 - In This Very Arena - 斗技场对决/竞技场故地
Kl-MS2016.45 - A Grateful Consulate - 感恩的执政院/欣喜赴任
Kl-MS2016.47 - Quiet Moments - 寂静时刻
Kl-MS2016.48 - Breakthrough - 突破/重大突破
Kl-MS2017.1 - Revolution Begins - 革命开始/揭竿而起
Kl-MS2017.2 - Burn - 燃烧
Kl-MS2017.3 - The Skies over Ghirapur - 吉拉波苍穹
Kl-MS2017.4 - Breaking Down - 爆发点/惊爆点
Kl-MS2017.5 - Puppets - 傀儡
Kl-MS2017.6 - Renewal - 新机/复兴
Ak-MS2017.7 - Impact - 冲击
Ak-MS2017.8 - Trust - 信任
Ak-MS2017.9 - The Writing on the Wall - 不祥之兆
Ak-MS2017.10 - Servants - 仆从
Ak-MS2017.11 - The Hand That Moves - 操控之手
Ak-MS2017.12 - Brazen - 放肆
Ak-MS2017.13 - Trespass - 擅闯禁地
Ak-MS2017.14 - Judgment - 决断
Rv-MS2017.15 - Pride of The Kraul - 刻洛族的骄傲
Ak-MS2017.16 - The Hour of Revelation - 预示时刻
Ak-MS2017.17 - Feast - 飨宴
Ak-MS2017.18 - Hour of Glory - 荣光时刻
Ak-MS2017.19 - The Hour of Promise - 允诺时刻
Ak-MS2017.20 - Favor - 眷顾
Ak-MS2017.21 - Hour of Eternity - 永恒时刻
Ak-MS2017.22 - Endure - 长存
Ak-MS2017.23 - Hour of Devestation - 幻灭时刻
Ix-MS2017.24 - Jace, Alone - 杰斯,孤立无援
Ix-MS2017.25 - A Question of Confidence - 自信问题
Ix-MS2017.26 - The Talented Captain Vraska - 天才船长瓦丝卡
Ix-MS2017.27 - The Shapers - 塑形师
Ix-MS2017.28 - Something Else Entirely - 另当别论
Ix-MS2017.29 - The Race, Part 1 - 争夺,第一部份
Ix-MS2017.30 - The Race, Part 2 - 争夺,第二部份
Ix-MS2018.1 - The Flood - 洪流
Ix-MS2018.2 - Glimpse the Far Side of the Sun - 窥视烈阳的另一侧
I x-MS2018.3 - The Arbiter of Law Left Chaos in His Wake - 律法仲裁者途经之处一片混乱
Ix-MS2018.4 - Sabotage - 蓄意破坏
Ix-MS2018.5 - Who Tells the Stories - 说故事的人
DIxKl-MS2018.6 - Wool Over the Eyes - 蒙蔽
Ix-MS2018.7 - Rivals of Ixalan Magic Story Alternate Endings - 决胜依夏兰的各种结局
D-MS2018.8 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 1 - 重返多明纳里亚:第一集
D-MS2018.9 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 2 - 重返多明纳里亚:第二集
D-MS2018.10 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 3 - 重返多明纳里亚:第三集
D-MS2018.11 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 4 - 重返多明纳里亚:第四集
D-MS2018.12 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 5 - 重返多明纳里亚:第五集
D-MS2018.13 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 6 - 重返多明纳里亚:第六集
D-MS2018.14 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 7 - 重返多明纳里亚:第七集
D-MS2018.15 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 8 - 重返多明纳里亚:第八集
D-MS2018.16 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 6 - 重返多明纳里亚:第九集
D-MS2018.17 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 7 - 重返多明纳里亚:第十集
D-MS2018.18 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 8 - 重返多明纳里亚:第十一集
D-MS2018.19 - Return to Dominaria: Episode 6 - 重返多明纳里亚:第十二集
100 %
就是用那个Jace's Signature Spellbook串讲杰斯的故事的那个!
正好顶一期魔之声 ✌️